Determinig position of a element in a list
Erik Max Francis
max at
Mon Aug 25 19:01:47 EDT 2003
Przemo Drochomirecki wrote:
> i'm wondering if there is any tricky way for doing following thing:
> A - list of distinct integers (e.x. A = [1,3,7,11,14,15])
> very fast function determinig position of number x in list A
> or -1 if x doesnt belong to A
> Operator IN returns only false/true values
> i can implement function index (e.x. index(5,A) = -1, index(7,A) = 2),
> but
> maybe there's is simpler(builtin?) solution
Yep, the -- wait for it -- .index method on the list object:
>>> A = [1, 3, 7, 11, 14, 15]
>>> A.index(7)
Erik Max Francis && max at &&
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