Why does this (not) work?
Amit Patel
amitp at theory.stanford.edu
Tue Aug 19 19:34:17 EDT 2003
"Michael C. Neel" <neel at mediapulse.com> writes:
> > try this:
> > >>> "%s - %s - %s" % (("test",)*3)
> >
> > why else would
> > >>> 3 % 1 * 2
> > print 0 instead of 1?
> >
> > Jeff
> Hmmm, can't say I like what this implies. In one case % is shorthand
> for a sprintf function, the other it's a mathematical expression at the
> same level of precedence of * and /. But the sprintf version is
> "granted" the precedence of the mathematical version? What's the logic
> behind that?
I think the logic behind that is that the operator precedence is
assigned before we know what the types of the operands are. You could
argue that since we can see it's a string, we should change the
precedence. But then we'd get weird situations like
print "..." % (x,)*3
not being the same as
s = "..."
print s % (x,)*3
You could argue that a flow analyzer could figure out that s is a
string, etc., but that's going down a dangerous path -- the semantics
start depending on how sophisticated your Python compiler is. Aieee! :)
Some of the 'cute' syntax features of Python (% for strings, `` for
repr) have bitten me more than once. :(
- Amit
Amit J Patel, Computer Science Department, Stanford University
``Parkinson's Other Law: Perfection is achieved only
at the point of collapse.''
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