Michael Peuser
mpeuser at web.de
Sun Aug 24 14:07:55 EDT 2003
"Cameron Laird" <claird at lairds.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:vkhkrfgfcn5n01 at corp.supernews.com...
> In article <e96edb9f.0308201555.4d75f440 at posting.google.com>,
> Bgc <sscherer at rocketmail.com> wrote:
> >Hi All,
> >
> >I'm interested in producing educational applications with Python. Of
> >special interest is the playback of video, something that has as of
> >yet eluded me. I'm wondering what kind of access Python has to the
> >Tcl scripting language, because of the following project:
> >
> >http://hem.fryistorg.com/matben/qt/
> >http://sourceforge.net/projects/quicktimetcl/
> >(I hope that URL is correct; google for QuicktimeTcl if not)
> >
> >I understand (actually, I'm just beginning to explore) Python's
> >wrapper access to Tk, but I'm sort of confused about Python's access
> >to the Tcl scripting language. Is there a similar wrapper for the Tcl
> >language, and if so, can anyone suggest a reasonable process for
> >creating a Python wrapper for QuicktimeTcl?
> .
> .
> .
> Python does all of Tcl.
> Tk is a superset of Tcl. Tkinter gives access to all
> of Tk. Conclusion: Tkinter gives access to all of
> Tcl, in particular.
> That doesn't mean you automatically get everything you
> want. There are a couple of difficulties:
> 1. From a Pythonic viewpoint, programming
> Tcl through the Tkinter.tk.eval()
> mechanism isn't pretty. Developers
> making heavy use of Tcl often *do*
> write Python wrappers.
> I know of no such wrapper for
> QuicktimeTcl.
> 2. QuicktimeTcl isn't Tcl, strictly; it's
> an *extension* of Tcl. Sometimes ex-
> tensions work transparently with
> Tkinter; sometimes ... not. I have no
> idea what shape Tkinter-plus-Quicktime-
> Tcl is in.
> 'Sounds like a fun project, though.
> --
Snack - a quite acceptable Tcl sound toolkit with some extra Canvas widgets
is made on top of Tcl. You can look into the tkSnack.py to see how that
interfacing works.
Michael P
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