Confusion re "global" statement
Michael Peuser
mpeuser at
Sun Aug 31 15:02:56 EDT 2003
"Chris Stromberger" <bit_bucket5 at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:l2g4lvgam2vlqkk78ep03rlpmv3dn3ni03 at
> This doesn't seem like it should behave as it does without using
> "global d" in mod().
> d = {}
> def mod():
> d['hey'] = 3
> mod()
> print d
> When run, it prints {'hey': 3}. Seems like it should print {} w/o
> using "global d".
> Can someone explain? I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm not
> reassigning the name d in the function, but it seems counter-intuitive
> that I'm able to modify a global inside the function w/o saying
> "global d".
Well Chris, it *may* be counter-intuitive. On the other hand it is very
consequent. Think of what happens in an _ordinary_ programming language when
you use a name in a block or subroutine:
- either it is locally defined/declared: the loccal version is taken
- if it is not, the global version is used
- if there is no global version, an error message is issued.
Just the same with Python!
But do we define/declare variables in Python? Yes, by simply assigning a
value to them!
In case of your list note that you do not assign a new value to _d_ but to
just to one of it's items.
Michael P
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