event binding and component.config
Greg McFarlane
gregm at iname.com
Wed Aug 27 09:03:07 EDT 2003
If you want something that allows a user to select a particular mode
and then to display that mode until it is changed - use
Pmw.RadioButton instead of trying to hack Pmw.ButtonBox. I think this
will do exactly what you want.
Scott Holmes <scottholmes at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message news:<mailman.1061059285.7748.python-list at python.org>...
> I'm experiencing what seems to be strange behaviour. I don't know if
> it's Pmw, Tkinter on Python. I have a button, defined in a
> Pmw.buttonbox, that I would like to configure to "sunken" after it has
> been clicked/released. Using the example style coding:
> self.buttonBox1.add('Add', command = self.addCalendar)
> the button remains "sunken". If I bind the event:
> self.buttonBox1.add('Add')
> self.buttonBox1.component('Add').bind('<ButtonRelease-1>',
> self.addCalendarBind)
> self.buttonBox1.component('Add').bind('<KeyRelease-Return>',
> self.addCalendarBind)
> the button reverts to "raised". The addCalendar and addCalendarBind are
> still essentially stub functions:
> def addCalendarBind(self,event):
> self.addCalendar()
> def addCalendar(self):
> global prog_mode
> self.clearCalendar()
> prog_mode = 'add'
> self.buttonBox1.component('Add').config(relief='sunken')
> self.buttonBox1.component('Commit').config(relief='raised')
> self.buttonBox1.component('Update').config(relief='flat')
> self.buttonBox1.component('Delete').config(relief='flat')
> self.buttonBox1.component('Query').config(relief='flat')
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Scott Holmes http://sholmes.ws
> http://pages.sbcglobal.net/scottholmes
> scottholmes at sbcglobal.net
> Independent Programmer/Analyst Passport 4GL
> PHP HTML Composer PostgreSQL Informix 4GL, SQL
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
> than are dreamt of in your philosophy
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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