Adobe photoshop plug in

Raymond Hettinger vze4rx4y at
Wed Aug 20 12:49:44 EDT 2003

[mustafa umut sarac]
> I am not a programmer.
> But I have a great plug in idea for photoshop.
> I want to complete the entire process bymyself with the help of friends.
> I want to ask that : is python language only or simplest language for to write
this plug in ?
> Do I need to read the entire photoshop code for to write the plug in ?

In general, writing photoshop plugins is not a project for a beginner
However, if your idea can be expressed in terms of existing photoshop actions,
then Python is an excellent choice for a scripting language.  For that, you need
download win32all (see the link to it at ) and then look at
Adobe's scripting guide at

If you need a real plugin, then life is more complicated.  To write photoshop
plugins in any language, I think you need to have Adobe's plugin SDK which
runs about $200.  It was not designed for beginning programmers.

Once you have the SDK, there are still a few issues in getting it to work with
Python.  First, pure python is somewhat slow for image manipulation.
Second, python C wrappers need to be created to communicate with the SDK.
These are both big challenges for someone who has never programmed before.

Raymond Hettinger

Using Python

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