python gripes survey

Skip Montanaro skip at
Mon Aug 25 16:49:23 EDT 2003

    josh> And arguably easier to deal with than Python in that the fields
    josh> are named.  I think that's all Afanasiy was getting at.

Yeah, that was my impression as well.  Note that there is a "super tuple"
type used in some places in the Python C code which allows both positional
and attribute access to fields:

    >>> import time
    >>> t = time.localtime()
    >>> t
    (2003, 8, 25, 15, 45, 46, 0, 237, 1)
    >>> t.tm_year
    >>> type(t)
    <type 'time.struct_time'>

I don't know if the in-memory storage is more like a tuple or more like a

Exposing something like this to the Python programmer was suggested a few
years ago.  I don't recall why it wasn't adopted, though any obvious reason
might be that it's fairly easy to create container classes for that purpose.


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