Reading and writing Mozilla-mail in python

Tim Roberts timr at
Fri Dec 12 00:57:22 EST 2003

Uwe Grauer <news at> wrote:

>After playing around with the mailbox an email modules i noticed some 
>strange behaviours:
>after the first message is parsed, i got some (kind of parsing errors).
>My code:
>def test_copy(infile, outfile):
>     from mailbox import UnixMailbox
>     from email import message_from_file as mff
>     try:
>         fd = open(infile, 'r')

Ralf is correct.  The UnixMailbox method uses tell and seek to remember
file locations and return to them later.  Tell and seek on Windows are only
valid with binary files; the \r\n to \n translation screws it up.

Change that to
          fd = open(infile, 'rb')
and all will be well.
- Tim Roberts, timr at
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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