UserLinux chooses Python as "interpretive language" of choice

Ville Vainio ville.spammehardvainio at
Sat Dec 20 05:55:30 EST 2003

Roy Smith <roy at> writes:

> > If the extra features [...] were really
> > worthwhile, they would be added to Python
> Down that path lies madness (i.e. Perl).

And that's why I trust the judgement in the language developers
hands. If Ruby had enough of a "killer" feature that it would result
in flow of people from Ruby to Python, it could be added to Python.

As a whole, the py developer team seems to have their act together
better than Ruby developers, judging by the "taste" and various
perlisms in Ruby. The only thing Ruby will forever have over Python
(according to the individuals who tend to be of that opinions) is the
lack of whitespace block structure. I guess that would be the main
reason why various misguided souls choose Ruby over Python ;-).

But then again, various people choose Perl, of all things, over
Python, so I guess there doesn't need to be a rational explanation for
picking a language.

Ville Vainio

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