PNG to EPS with Python?

Will Stuyvesant hwlgw at
Sat Dec 20 03:34:31 EST 2003

I have .PNG image I would like to convert to .EPS (Enhanced
PostScript), for inclusing in LaTeX documents.  I feel that a portable
tool for this would be very welcome in the scientific community, where
they still LaTeX a lot!  There is a png2eps tool for linux/unix, but I
can't find something that works on Windows.  Perhaps somebody with
Cygwin can produce an .exe (I don't use Cygwin anymore myself)?  I
wonder if this would be possible to do with Python, or maybe somebody
already did this?  Instead of PNG also JPG, GIF, TIFF, etc. would be
welcome, as it is easy to convert PNG back and forth to those, even on
Windows :-)

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