Yet another newbie question - standard or built-in methods

Raymond Hettinger vze4rx4y at
Fri Dec 5 07:06:38 EST 2003

[Kamus of Kadizhar]
> OK, I've been playing with the snippets of code posted earlier.
> Among them are things like
> allmovies[movie] = allmovies.get(movie, 0) + 1
>  From reading the docs, I've gathered that the '.get(xxx,yyy)' part is a
> method that operates on the dictonary allmovies.  (Sorry if I have the
> terminology wrong).
> But nowhere can I find a list of 'standard' or 'built-in' methods, or
> methods that can be used with various variable classes.  What exactly
> does 'get' do?  This seems to be so basic to python that it's not
> explained anywhere, but that's no help to me.... Is there a list with
> explanations somewhere?  I've been through the tutorials and guides, and
> all just start using these with no explanation of what they do and how
> they work.
> Maybe I've missed it somewhere; just point me to the right FM, so I can

Raymond Hettinger

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