I see advice on how to debug a python module that hangs up the process

Robin Munn rmunn at pobox.com
Tue Dec 16 17:45:21 EST 2003

JD <lists at webcrunchers.com> wrote:
[snip problem with Python program that hangs]
> How should I approach debugging this? Are there Python tools? Or should 
> I
> use gdb? ktrace? systrace? I'm assuming I have to do this, as a bug 
> report
> which reads "Python locks up" isn't too useful.

The first step I'd suggest is to sprinkle print statements all around
your code:

    print "About to call some_func()..."
    print "Returned from calling some_func()..."

Then you can watch the console output (or redirect it to a file for
later perusal) and see when the thing hangs.

Robin Munn
rmunn at pobox.com

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