String length ... len(str)

Jay O'Connor joconnor at
Wed Dec 3 19:15:16 EST 2003

Jeff Wagner wrote:

>Can someone please explain the following to me:
>>>>str1 = "here"
>>>>str2 = "here", "we", "are"
>Why is len(str1) = 4  and len(str2) = 3?
>If we were to say it's because the len() functions returns the number of elements in a string, then
>len(str1) should be = 1
>It's a little confusing.

str2 =is a tuple of three strings, not a concatenated string.  So you 
are getting the number if strings in the tuple, not the number of 
characters in a longer string.  You have to use join to concatenate the 
strings with either join() or +

 >>> str2 = "here", "we", "are"
 >>> str2
('here', 'we', 'are')
 >>> type (str2)
<type 'tuple'>
 >>> len (''.join (str2))
 >>> str3 = "here" +  "we" +"are"
 >>> str3
 >>> len (str3)

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