finding files that have extensions

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Sun Dec 7 15:03:22 EST 2003

"hokiegal99" wrote:

> The problem I'm having is that as I add more and more file types to
> the script I have to define more and more 'xxx_skip' variables. My
> 'if' conditionals are growing larger and larger. Which leads to my
> question: How could I define it so that *any* file that already has a
> '.xxx' extension (where x = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' upper and
> lowercase) would be excluded from the rename? I've considered
> something like this:
> ext = re.compile('[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]', re.IGNORECASE)
> But I don't know how to pull 'ext' into something like this:
> ext_skip = string.find(fname,'.xxx')
> Any ideas?

os.path.splitext(fname) splits a filename into prefix and extension

    >>> os.path.splitext("hello")
    ('hello', '')
    >>> os.path.splitext("hello.doc")
    ('hello', '.doc')
    >>> os.path.splitext("hello.DOC")
    ('hello', '.DOC')
    >>> os.path.splitext("")
    ('hello', '.foo')

in other words, "if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1]" might be what
you want.  or more readable:

    for fname in files:
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
        if ext:
        # ... figure out the new name and rename it ...


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