Python vs Unix shells

Donn Cave donn at
Mon Dec 15 12:41:24 EST 2003

In article <vtrhpu26nohvae at>,
 claird at (Cameron Laird) wrote:
> ...  In other articles, I've said a few
> words about the difficulty of writing good examples for an
> audience of systems administrators; I do find it hard not
> being "maybe a little artificial" (I appreciate your gentle
> touch), without complexification that loses the reader.

Maybe the category is a little artificial, in that system
administration isn't really a computer programming domain
like numeric, hardware control, rendering, web publishing.

I suppose that's part of your point, when you talk about
writing your own tools rather than buying packaged solutions.
Not many good packaged solutions for Miscellaneous Little Tasks.

   Donn Cave, donn at

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