Count Files in a Directory

hokieghal99 hokiegal99 at
Mon Dec 22 12:41:03 EST 2003

hokieghal99 wrote:
> def fs_object_count(setpath):
>    file_count = 0
>    dir_count = 0
>    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(setpath):
>       file_count += len(files)
>       dir_count += len(dirs)
>    return file_count, dir_count
> I'm using this. Thanks to all for the tips and corrections! It works 
> very well on small sets of data (<= 5GB) it is very accurate on this 
> data. On largeer (> 20GB) filesystems, the count will be off by 30 to 40 
> objects. For example on one 22GB filesystem the OS thinks there are 
> 100,222 objects in the path, Python thinks there are 100,260... Any 
> ideas on this difference?
> Thanks!!!

Woops... I spoke too soon. Just caught this difference on 4.4GB of data. 
    The os thinks there are 12,204 objects in the path while Python 
thinks there are 12,205 objects.

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