PEP 308: I liked the original proposal better

Jp Calderone exarkun at
Mon Feb 17 11:57:22 EST 2003

On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 09:08:24AM -0500, Mel Wilson wrote:
> [snip]
> Hmm.. well then.. arithmetic expressions haven't run left-to-right
> since the days of FORTRAN:
>         a + b * c + d
> has to run inside-out, and with the Python extensions
>         'oh' * 4 + 3 * 'my'
> will die a horrible death unless it's run outside-in

  You don't understand (intentionally or un-).

>>> def function(argument):
...     print 'rar, ', argument, ' is evaluated!'
...     return argument
>>> function('oh') * function(4) + function(3) * function('my') 
rar,  oh  is evaluated!
rar,  4  is evaluated!
rar,  3  is evaluated!
rar,  my  is evaluated!



( LIST=(~/.netscape/sigs/*.sig)
  cat ${LIST[$(($RANDOM % ${#LIST[*]}))]}
  echo --$'\n' `uptime` ) > ~/.netscape/.signature
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