(why) inconsistent yield/return syntax?

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Mon Feb 10 15:41:32 EST 2003

Mark McEahern schreef op maandag 10 februari om 21:32:46 +0000:
> > Subject: (why) inconsistent yield/return syntax?
> yield is for generators.
> To use it prior to 2.3 (?), add:
>   from __future__ import generators
> Read up on generators.  Google is your friend.

I have.
If if wouldn't have done that, it would be:

  1 >>> def f(): yield
  <stdin>:1: Warning: 'yield' will become a reserved keyword in the future

But it was:
 46 >>> def f(): yield
   File "<stdin>", line 1
       def f(): yield


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