Underscore/Camelcase insensitivity

laotseu bdesth at removethis.free.fr
Sat Feb 22 22:03:27 EST 2003

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I present to you all PEP 3008: Underscore/Camelcase insensitivity. Guido
> is entirely tired of this debate and asked me to make a posting about it
> here so that comp.lang.python can decide.
> Many people use camelCase for method names, others use under_scores. Some
> people like myself find ourselves switching between the two, not
> knowing which to prefer. Plus, beginners can forget to spell it under_score
> and accidentally use camelCase and vice versa, which is not a good thing.
> Guido is asking you all to discuss this proposal, come up with other
> proposals and a voting procedure, and then the voting result. 
> The following proposal is made:
>   def foo_bar_baz():
>       pass
> can be called like this:
>   foo_bar_baz()
> but under the new PEP 3008 rules, also like this:
>   fooBarBaz()
> And likewise, the following definition:
>   def fooBarBaz():
>       pass
> can be called also using its underscore equivalent:
>   foo_bar_baz()
> Of course this also works for attributes:
>   getattr(foo, 'foo_bar_baz')
>   getattr(foo, 'fooBarBaz')
> will do exactly the same thing.
> Functions and methods which would have the same name under the new rule 
> simply have the last definition win; it is not expected there are many
> instances of this case but Python will issue a CamelUnderscoreWarning if
> they are encountered.
> Regards,
> Martijn

Lol ! But I might take it seriously and vote +10 on this !-)


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