PEP 308: Alternative conditional operator forms

David Gausebeck gausebec-spam at
Sun Feb 9 20:46:14 EST 2003

>Here is the list I have so far (C represents the conditional expression,
>x the if-true expression, y the if-false one):
>x if C else y # initial proposition in PEP
>C ? x ! y # mentioned in PEP
>(if C then x else y) # mentioned in PEP
>x when C else y
>(if C: x else: y)
>C ? x else y
>C -> x else y
>C -> (x, y)
>What else should be on this list?  (You can reply by email if you wish.)

Paul Rubin suggested

<new keyword> C: x else y

and I like it, but no one else seems to have commented either way.
The original suggestion was for a keyword of 'ifelse' or possibly
'select'.  I would prefer 'when' or 'case':

ifelse C: x else y
when C: x else y
case C: x else y


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