Python vs. C++ Builder - speed of development

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at
Mon Feb 24 17:07:57 EST 2003

Steve Holden <sholden at> wrote:
> You'll get into Python when hell freezes over. As far as I can tell you've
> already spent far more time on this thread than it would take an
> averagely-competent programmer to produce their first significant Python
> program. I therefore conclude you're here for the ten-pound argument and
> that you, sir, are a troll.

Pssst, Steve, I think he was gone a few days already. :)

I don't know whether he was a troll, but I enjoyed this particular silly
argument. I guess that makes me worse than the PEP 308 people as they were
at least engaged in something resembling constructive activity. :)


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