What py-opportunities in Old Europe?

MyPy mypy at operamail.com
Mon Feb 3 07:41:04 EST 2003

I've been working as a C++ developer for several years and now I would
like to start a one-man company in the software consultancy business.
Some months ago I gave Python a try and apparently it seems
well-suited for fast deployment of complex applications for all the
reasons you're well aware of. But the point is: is there a *real*
market for python consultants? I've had a look at the job board on
python.org and searched some job sites (e.g. jobserve.com) but I could
find only few open positions, besides my personal experience suggests
that there are many (?) customers out there looking for VB, C++, Java
people but no one even knows Python.  At least that is what happened
to me here in Italy. So does anyone want to share his own
feelings/thoughts/experience about  working as a py-freelance in




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