For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Aahz aahz at
Sat Feb 8 12:04:29 EST 2003

In article <38da4v0vdmse4gm1u5cko3v59eo7it9551 at>,
Dale Strickland-Clark  <dale at> wrote:
>Roy Smith <roy at> wrote:
>>Dale Strickland-Clark <dale at> wrote:
>>> I really don't have much sympathy for that argument. If you want to
>>> understand a language, you will need to know it.
>>This started out with you saying that if I don't use a feature, its 
>>existance won't affect me one way or the other.  My point was that it 
>>will affect me.  Even if I don't use it, I'll need to learn it to 
>>understand the code that you write.
>Can't we just assume that, as you've joined in this debate, you'd have
>a pretty good idea what was meant by the construct should you ever
>stumble over it in someone's code?

While true in a technical sense, I'd expect there are a number of people
who are reading this thread who didn't really understand how this
construct works prior to this thread, and who prefer to protect other
people from being forced to learn.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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