Any tool to convert Python source code to HTML?

Brian Quinlan brian at
Sun Feb 23 20:30:45 EST 2003

> Yes, I noticed it while I was customizing the code.
> (I was looking for keyword list ...)

SilverCity does allow you to use your own keywords.

> I'm using a similar tool for another language (HDL), v2html.

That looks like a very cool tool! It would be hard to create a similar
one in Python because of the lack of statically available information.

> I was hoping to have a similar one (more than just coloring ...).
> But probably I'm asking too much.

SilverCity generates hyperlinks for PEPs and URLs, but that's pretty
much all the "extra" that you get. Oh, it also allows you to do
multilingual coloring e.g. embedded SGML code can be styled as SGML, not
just given the Python string style.
> I will try SilverCity when I have a time.

Don't bother if the recipe does what you want. I'm just playing salesman
and telling you about the (probably useless) extra features available in
my model :-)

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