Function currying extension module

Carl Banks imbosol-1045699014 at
Wed Feb 19 19:05:34 EST 2003

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>> Opinion, comments, suggestions on how to make it faster?  It appears
>> that the bottleneck is allocating a tuple, which not much can be done
>> about.
> The tuple allocation can be avoided by re-using the
> same tuple over and over.  For a safe, fast implementation look in
> CVS for the izip() function in the new itertools module.

I'll have a look.

> You are also losing a few cycles in the parsing of "OOOO" in
> PyObject_CallFunction.  Instead, try PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs.

I don't care much; it's in the init code.

> The use of the slot objects also adds a cost that is not in a pure
> lambda version.  Here, you're paying a price for full generality.
> A simple curry (without keywords or positional control) would
> require much less code, be more readily learnable, and run faster:
>>>> add1 = curry(operator.add, 1)
>>>> add1(10)
> 11

Well, see the thing is, generality is what motivates me.  I wanted
something akin to Function in Mathematica.  A simple curry won't work
for something like this:

first = curry(operator.getitem, 1) 
# wrong, unless curry was a right curry

Thanks for the advice,


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