For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Andrew Koenig ark at
Sat Feb 8 20:31:37 EST 2003

>> 2) It evaluates both alternatives even though only one is needed.

Paul> I'd like to see some concrete examples of where this is a
Paul> significant issue.

It's *always* significant to me, because it gets in the way of saying
what I mean.  I don't want to write (x, y)[not z] instead of (x if z
else y) because when z is true, I don't want the reader to have to
care at all about y (and similarly, when z is false, I don't want the
reader to have to care about x).  Efficiency doesn't enter to it,
at least not for me.

Andrew Koenig, ark at,

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