pypy-dev List Summary - 06 Jan 2003 to 31 Jan 2003

Troy Melhase troy at
Thu Feb 6 02:46:26 EST 2003

This is a summary of the discussions on the pypy-dev mailing list between 06
January and 31 January 2003.  The full archive of the list can be found


Holger Krekel starts the discussion in earnest with a message regarding how
the project came about, and how to get Minimal Python[1] bootstrapped. 
Robin Becker suggests implementing the ctypes module.  Thomas Heller posts
a working version using libffi, and the possibility of using ffcall is also
mentioned. Christian Tismer would rather use the essential ideas of ctypes,
rather than the module itself, to keep Minimal Python small:

The build environment is discussed in this thread; CPython, SCons, make and
friends, and Builtool are mentioned.

C Core, Macros

Florian Schulze asks about plans for the C core.  Christian says most
objects will be borrowed at first.  Andrew McGregor brings up macros, and a
lively discussion ensues.  The consensus is that macros have already been
rejected by the BDFL, and implementing them would conflict with the project
goal of maintaining conformance with the language definition:


Damien Morton suggests using the ouroboros as the basis for the project
logo. In his words:  "In mythology, the Ouroboros is any image of a snake,
worm, serpent, or dragon biting its own tail."  He posts links and
descriptions, and Holger wants to add a bit of cuteness and fun:

Intellectual Property

David Ascher wants the issues of IP and license resolved earlier rather than
later.  He suggests the IP be assigned to the PSF, and that the license be

Road Map

Bengt Richter suggests a project road map, and Guido responds with a quick
list of Python-already-implemented-in-Python.  Christian thanks him, and
suggests that Python code devoid of trickery is more suitable to Psyco. 
Armin Rigo agrees:

You tricksters know who you are!


Paul Swartz posts a link to his PyVM, a Python Bytecode interpreter.

Project Name

Many suggestions for an official project name were posted to the list
throughout the month.  In lieu of listing them all (and surely omitting
some), the summary is that there is no official name yet.  "Minimal Python"
and "PyPython" are used commonly.


Holger wonders aloud how to remove the need for compile.c, and talks about a
multi-stage VM:

Psyco in Python

Edward K. Ream asks how Psyco will fit in Minimal Python.  Michael Hudson
and Christian do their best to answer him, and mention the tantalizing
possibility of having Psyco re-implemented in Python:

Lessons from Experience

Rocco Moretti talks about his experience trying to write a Python
interpreter in Python.  He mentions the difficulty distinguishing between
host and target, and that use of Exceptions in CPython gave him trouble. 
Christian advocates the generated-C approach, and Armin believes in
separating application from interpreter Exceptions:

Low-Level Data Type Representation

Christian, Samuele Pedroni and Paul Rubin discuss various approaches on
representing low-level data types in at the much-higher Python level.  Paul
suggests tagged representation, Christian expresses the need to keep the
types easily deduced by the interpreter,  and Samuele suggests the boxed
values approach.  Guido chimes in with his first-hand knowledge of tagged
representation in the ABC language:

>From PyPy to Psyco

Armin revisits the first goal of the project, writing a Python interpreter
in Python.  From there, he suggests, the "interesting things" are possible. 
This interpreter can be statically analyzed, and from the analysis will
come a minimal compiled interpreter, a bytecode checker, and Psyco:

Edward K. Ream responds with his interpretations and suggestions for making
Armin's tools available sooner.

Ported Psyco

The subject of Psyco on non-x86 hardware comes up, and Armin says the newer
code will be flexible and easy to port:

Leo Outlines and Questions 

Edward K. Ream posts links to Leo outlines he's made for Psyco and for a C
tool suite.

Edward also suggests that Psyco can't be faster than compiled C, and Armin
reminds him that it's a matter of perspective.  Agreement is quickly reached
that the point isn't relevant to the project:

More Questions

Edward is full of questions, and Armin has answers for him.  Armin casts
more light on Psyco, and his illumination deserves special note:

Bengt Richter brings up the idea of check-pointing Psyco code, and he and
Edward discuss storing the code in .pyp files.  Armin likes the idea, and
thinks it might be done outside of Psyco:

Restricted Language

Christian poses many questions regarding the initial restricted language.
Discussion turns quickly to types:

Armin clarifies the issue by drawing a distinction between Python at the
interpreter-level and Python at the application-level:

Later in the thread, Scott David Daniels advises watching for boundary
conditions, and advocates a check-pointing system:

Armin revisits the need for a different approach to exception handling:

Implementation Language Questions

Stephan Diehl asks why the implementation could not be written in Objective
C.  Christian responds that the idea is to remove C, not to replace it:

Translating CPython Source

Christian speaks from experience when he says translating CPython source and
also maintaining concurrency with it is a loosing proposition.  As an
alternative, he suggests reusing portions of a C compiler package to provide
a level of automated translation of CPython source:

Edward advises changing perspective such that the problem goes away.  Thomas
Heller suggests that folks pick up a CPython module or two and translate
them into Python.

Holger believes maintaining two sources, CPython and PyPython would be a
nightmare, and Armin mentions Stackless and Jython as examples of the
inherent difficulty of implementing Python from translated CPython.  Armin
believes the translation could be automatic for most changes to CPython
given an association between custom .py files and the CPython source:


Sebastien Pierre asks if microthreads will be incorporated, and Armin says
they would be easy enough, given a high-level description of the

Minimal Sprint

Armin asks if there are definite dates for the first sprint.  Holger
suggests the 17th to the 23rd of February, and lists a possible location in

Holger later announces the Minimal Python Sprint.  He cites the dates above,
and the goals of the sprint:

C Emissions

Logistix asks for clarification regarding the progression from byte code to
C to assembly.  Armin describes the two processes discussed so far:

CPython - PyPython

Holger recaps the topics decisions to date made regarding translating
CPython sources.  The Python language isn't to be modified, CPython takes
lead wherever possible, and clean abstractions lead his list:

__builtin__, in Python

Scott Fenton posts his replacement for the __builtin__ module:

The discussion turns to Scott's implementation of ord() and chr(), with
Armin pointing out that these would be supplied to the interpreter, 
not by it:

Scott later says that his implementation wasn't meant to be definitive:

Bengt Richter tries to factor out some of the differences between type
representation, and Scott and Samuele Pedroni discuss untyped bit vectors:

Ctypes News

Thomas Heller posts news about the Ctypes module, noting that argument
conversion was rewritten, and that libffi is integrated:

Python Bytecode from... GCC?

Thomas Fanslau asks generating Python bytecode from GCC would be possible,
and Nathan Heagy says it would be difficult:

Compiler Package Notes

Logistix posts his notes on the compiler package.  Michael Hudson confirms
most of his impressions:

Jeremy Hylton posts with his status on the package, and summarizes the work
left to be done:

Jeremy wonders if Minimal Python would need to generate CPython-compatible 
bytecode, and Christian thinks it may not:

Armin posts an interesting solution to Jeremy's stack-depth computation
problem.  His solution is the main interpreter loop of Python in Python:

Miasma: x86 machine Code Generation in Python

Darius Bacon posts his x86 code generator, and Holger asks him 
to explain the challenges and solutions:


Scott Fenton wonders how to implement classmethod, thinking it is only
applicable to subtypes of object.   Christian corrects the misunderstanding
and suggests coding for old and new-style classes:

Christian also proposes an extension to the new class system.  His extension
would have __slots__ indicate their type and allow types to derive from

Builtin Types

Bengt Richter posts his ideas on "describing C structures in a canonical
abstract way".  Darius Bacon recognizes this as "First-Class Data-type
Representation in SchemeXerox".  Thomas Heller mentions these ideas are
already present in ctypes:

Christian thinks of using Ctypes as the first target of a types
implementation in Python.  Samuele Pedroni brings up the issue of
abstracting use of PyTypeObject and the interpreter internal inheritance
and lookup mechanisms:

The issue of using Ctypes as the basis of a type system in Python is
debated.  Agreement is reached that the type system must describe types,
but implementing the system is not urgent:

Holger posts his set of restrictions for the pypy-python-interpreter.  Armin
clarifies some of them and posts his additions:

__builtin__, Again

Scott Fenton posts his updated version of __builtin__:

The working URL for Scott’s code comes a few messages later:

Holger thinks having this code pass the equivalent CPython tests would be
nice, and that scripting doc string generation would be easy:

Pedro Rodriguez adds his Python implementation of the dir() builtin:

Bits with Types

Bengt Richter posts initial ideas on a generic approach to evaluating
machine code:

Modeled from Smalltalk

Stephan Diehl suggests looking at Smalltalk and how it has been implemented
in Smalltalk:

List Archive

David Ascher sends a notice that ASPN is hosting an archive of the pypy-dev



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