Just for fun - PickleRPC

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu Feb 27 16:54:29 EST 2003

    Irmen> I still have to fix Pyro's dynamic proxy -- it can't yet deal
    Irmen> with nested lookups. So I was wondering if I could "snag" some
    Irmen> stuff from here :-)

    Skip> Sure.  Note, however, that I haven't tested that aspect of the RPC
    Skip> stuff, and it probably won't work as currently written because the
    Skip> registration function only uses the function's __name__ attribute
    Skip> as the dispatch key and doesn't (yet) take an optional string to
    Skip> use as the name.

I think it supports nested attribute lookup now.  Note the 

    self.register(self.methods, "system.methods")

call in the server and the 

    print >> sys.stderr, proxy.system.methods()

in the client.  It does display

    ['score', 'system.methods']

as you'd expect.

Of course, full credit for that clever little _Method class goes to Fredrik
Lundh.  I would never have thought of anything that concise.


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