Object "dumping"
Derek Thomson
dthomson at NOSPAMusers.sf.net
Mon Feb 3 04:09:00 EST 2003
Tyler Eaves wrote:
> try something like:
> attribs = dir(object)
> attribs.sort()
> for i in attribs:
> exec('print str(object.'+i+')')
Good idea.
I tried this out, and then got carried away and made it recurse through
the object tree (it stops if it detects an object that it has seen
before, so it will never recurse forever). It also indents the (attr,
value) pairs as it recurses so it's vaguely readable.
I also used 'getattr' instead of 'exec', as it should be faster, and is
more understandable - to me anyway!
This will do what I want, but clearly this could be extended to handle
sequences and hashes, too.
Thanks for the help!
#!/usr/bin/env python
import types
class Dumper:
indent = "\t"
def __init__(self):
# We're going to keep references to objects that we've already
# seen in a list
self.seen = []
def dump(self, obj):
self.dump_rec(obj, 0)
def dump_rec(self, obj, level):
attributes = dir(obj)
for attribute in attributes:
value = getattr(obj, attribute)
print Dumper.indent * level, attribute, ':', value
if (type(value) == types.InstanceType and
not value in self.seen):
self.dump_rec(value, level+1)
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