For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Evan evan at
Sat Feb 8 12:38:05 EST 2003

Here's a totally new direction: let's get rid of the chaining and 
precedence issues, and make an n-way conditional, not a ternary.

{if cond1: expr1, default}
{if cond1: expr1, cond2: expr2, default}

Obviously, comma precedence with the braces works the same way as in a 
literal dict.

Examples based on the thread of discussion:

x = {if a < 0: 'negative', a > 0: 'positive', 'zero'}

if {if callable(obj): obj(), alttest()}:

roots = [{if x > 0, sqrt(x), '?'} for x in l]


Evan @ 4-am

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