PEP 308: I liked the original proposal better

Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy) tdelaney at
Sun Feb 23 23:04:00 EST 2003

> From: Greg Ewing (using [mailto:me at]
> As far as I can see, no one proposal appears to have
> anywhere near a majority supporting it, and the minority
> which supports x if C else y doesn't seem to be
> significantly smaller than the minority supporting
> any other single proposal.
> I just feel that it has been dismissed too soon.

Nah - they've all been dismissed too late.

The One True Pythonic Ternary Operator is

class bool:

    def ifelse (self, trueresult, falseresult, callable=False):
        if self:
            if callable:
                return trueresult()
                return trueresult
            if callable:
                return falseresult()
                return falseresult

Short-circuiting and everything else required in one.

this-was-going-to-be-a-wink-but-I-like-this-idea-ly yours

Tim Delaney

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