For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Dale Strickland-Clark dale at
Sat Feb 8 12:32:04 EST 2003

aahz at (Aahz) wrote:

>If you're so dead set against Roy's argument, please explain to us why
>you use Python instead of Perl.

Please desist with these juvenile language wars. A construct that is
valid in Perl doesn't instantly become evil.

Would you argue against a max(x,y) function? You don't need it. You
can just as easily code it the long way.

No of course you wouldn't. You're used to it and you expect it to be
in just about every language. If you came across a language that
implemented it a different way, you'd probably question the logic
behind the difference.

Luddites arguing against ?: (or if else, if you prefer) are simply
scared of change.

Take the challenge. Exercise your brain. Think outside the box.

And to answer your question: I used Perl for a few years but found a
lack of pompous language nazis in their newsgroup. So I came a
searching and found this one. 

I mean, if you can't have a good sob over a proposed language feature,
what's left to enjoy?
Dale Strickland-Clark
Riverhall Systems Ltd

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