Convert a text file content to a dictionary...

Meehan, Francois Francois at
Tue Feb 4 11:55:14 EST 2003

Yeap that works. did also try the other proposed solutions. 

The first element is indeed the key. 

Got my solution, Thanks everyone, this group is first class! 


> Hi all,
> I want to read a simple text file that has 2 columns (tab delimited), and
> put that content in a dictionary. What is the best way to achieve this???
> Regards,
> Francois
That depends on you what you mean by 'put the content in a dictionary'.

If you mean, as I see most likely, that you want the first column to be the
key, and the second the value, the below willt work.

import string
file = open('yourfile','r')
dict = {}
for l in file.readlines():
    d = string.split(string.strip(l))
    dict[d[0]] = d[1]

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