For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Guido van Rossum guido at
Fri Feb 7 12:14:40 EST 2003

Given that if-then-else expressions keep being requested, I hereby put
forward a proposal.  I am neutral on acceptance of the proposal; I'd
like the community to accept or reject it or come up with a
counter-proposal.  Please understand that I don't have a lot of time
to moderate the discussion; I'll just wait for the community to
discuss the proposal and agree on some way to count votes, then count

PEP: 308
Title: If-then-else expression
Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2003/02/07 17:03:31 $
Author: Guido van Rossum
Status: Active
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/plain
Created: 7-Feb-2003
Post-History: 7-Feb-2003


    Requests for an if-then-else ("ternary") expression keep coming up
    on comp.lang.python.  This PEP contains a concrete proposal of a
    fairly Pythonic syntax.  This is the community's one chance: if
    this PEP is approved with a clear majority, it will be implemented
    in Python 2.4.  If not, the PEP will be augmented with a summary
    of the reasons for rejection and the subject better not come up
    again.  While I am the author of this PEP, I am neither in favor
    nor against this proposal; it is up to the community to decide.
    If the community can't decide, I'll reject the PEP.


    The proposed syntax is as follows:

        <expression1> if <condition> else <expression2>

    This is evaluated like this:

    - First, <condition> is evaluated.

    - If <condition> is true, <expression1> is evaluated and is the
      result of the whole thing.

    - If <condition> is false, <expression2> is evaluated and is the
      result of the whole thing.

    Note that at most one of <expression1> and <expression2> is
    evaluated.  This is called a "shortcut expression"; it is similar
    to the way the second operand of 'and' / 'or' is only evaluated if
    the first operand is true / false.

    To disambiguate this in the context of other operators, the
    "if...else" part in the middle acts like a left-associative binary
    operator with a priority lower than that of "or", and higher than
    that of "lambda".

    Examples of how this works out:

        x if C else y if D else z <==> x if C else (y if D else z)
        x or y if C else z        <==> (x or y) if C else z
	x if C else y or z        <==> x if C else (y or z)
        lambda: x if C else y     <==> lambda: (x if C else y)
        x if C else lambda: y     <==> SyntaxError
        x if C else y, z          <==> (x if C else y), z
        x, y if C else z          <==> x, (y if C else z)


    Many C-derived languages use this syntax:

        <condition> ? <expression1> : <expression2>

    I reject this for several reasons: the colon already has many uses
    in Python (even though it would actually not be ambiguous, because
    the question mark requires a matching colon); for people not used
    to C-derived language, it is hard to understand.

    Eric Raymond proposed a variant that doesn't have this problem:

        <condition> ? <expression1> ! <expression2>

    While cute, this suffers from the Perlish problem of using
    arbitrary punctuation with an arbitrary meaning; and it's no
    easier to understand than the ?: form.

    If we could live with adding a new keyword, we could use:

        if <condition> then <expression1> else <expression2>

    Apart from the problem of introducing a new keyword for a minor
    feature, this also suffers from ambiguity at the start of a
    statement; for example:

        if verbose then sys.stdout.write("hello\n") else None

    could be an syntactically correct expression statement, but starts
    with 'if', which makes the parser believe it is the start of an
    'if' statement.  To resolve this, the syntax would have to require
    parentheses, which makes it uglier.  However, this form has the
    advantage of evaluating strictly from left to right (not that that
    is a requirement for being Pythonic -- list comprehensions don't).


    This document has been placed in the public domain.

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--Guido van Rossum (home page:

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