PEP308: Yet another syntax proposal

Andrew Dalke adalke at
Mon Feb 10 19:58:29 EST 2003

James J. Besemer:
> Doh.
> You silly.
> The POINT is that the example contains yet another glaring BUG.
> In trusted Python library code.

Glaring?  No.

With deep side effects?  No.

Would an if/else expression have prevented this error?  Possibly.
Though there will also be errors in an if/else expression.  And
this specific error type 1) would not exist were there an ifelse()
builtin function and 2) was apparantly found and fixed 8 months

> > On the other hand, it suggests that an if/else expression would
> > make for fewer mistakes caused by people with experience in
> > if/else from other languages.
> Yes, a forceful case.

No, a case.  I do not deny there are good uses of this PEP
proposal.  It's just that there are also consequences of this
expression which suggest that overall it is inappropriate for

                    dalke at

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