urllib redirect problem/bug?

Ragu Bharadwaj Ragu.Bharadwaj at amphoracorp.com
Fri Feb 21 16:52:40 EST 2003

The code (assuming the mailer doesn't botch formatting)

import urllib
import urllib
params = urllib.urlencode({'LDAP__keyword' : 'TCPTP',
                           'Display__numResults' : 'All',
                           'Display__sortField' : 'Date',
                           'Display__order' : 'descending'})    
'TCPTP.html', data=params)

on execution yields a HTML error 405 (method not allowed) page in
TCPTP.html instead to redirecting to


When I try the same with Java's HTTPUrlConnection class I am
redirected to the  correct page required with no problems. Am I doing
something wrong here or is this a known redirection bug in urllib?


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