Algorithm for finding and replacing URLs with hyperlinks

sismex01 at sismex01 at
Wed Feb 19 14:56:51 EST 2003

> From: Morten W. Petersen [mailto:morten at]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 1:48 PM
> Hi!
> Does anyone have a snippet of code that'll replace for example 
> with <a href=""
>  ></a>?
> Thanks,
> Morten
> -- 

First, you need a (simple?) regex to find URL-like strings.
This'll do in a pinch, just add protocols:

>>> protocols = ['http','ftp','mailto','gopher', ...]
>>> rxURL = re.compile(r'(http://\S+)', re.I|re.S)

Then, you need to attack your text with this regular
expression, replacing all instances of the found
text with it's replacement.  A little function
can give you the result you want:

>>> def replacement(url):
...     return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url,url)

Now, we use this little function as a callback to
the regex's .subn() method.  Assume 'TEXT' is
your original text:

>>> TEXT2 = rxURL.subn(replacement, TEXT)[1]

and voila.  I think that's how it's done.



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