Best Python book(s) for a pre-teen?

Thomas Heller theller at
Tue Feb 18 15:58:19 EST 2003

Daniel Dittmar <daniel at> writes:

> Mike Silva wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > My son is 11 and wants to try programming, partly because it's what I
> > do for a living.  Even though I don't (yet?) use or even know Python,
> > through some unexplainable thought process I've decided it would be a
> > good language to start him off with.  I've downloaded 2.2.2 and played
> > around with it for a bit, and I would now like to hand him a book
> > (with my guidance as needed) and say "go have fun!"  Is there a book
> > that would be suitable for this approach (again, assuming I'm around
> > to help out as needed)?
> Just in case someone from Germany has the same problem: "Python für
> Kids" von Gregor Lingl

Is this book also ok for an 8-year old german speaking?



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