Why do I now love Python? Today's lesson.

Nick Vargish nav at adams.patriot.net
Thu Feb 13 08:27:32 EST 2003

Kirk Strauser <kirk at strauser.com> writes:

> I work with a small web hosting company that uses PHP extensively for their
> clients' sites. 

Me: "Hi, my name is Nick, and I make money programming PHP."

Group: "Hi, Nick."

I'm doing some consulting with a web services company that does a lot
of their stuff in PHP. This includes a webmail service based on qmail
and vpopmail, with IMP as the front end. IMP is really nice, but it's
all PHP plus a number of extensions. Naturally, there's a bit of
customization that needs to be done, and some of the PHP is really
pretty... hairy.

I don't want to give the wrong impression here -- I think IMP is
terrific and I really appreciate all the work that's gone into making
it an excellent webmail client (and horde an impressive platform), but
I do so wish it was written in Python.

Group: "Thanks for sharing, Nick."


# sigmask  |||  version 0.2  |||  2003-01-07  |||  Feed this to your Python.
print reduce(lambda x,y:x+chr(ord(y)-1),'Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAqbusjpu/ofu?','')

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