smallest float number

Christopher A. Craig list-python at
Thu Feb 13 09:42:21 EST 2003

Jp Calderone <exarkun at> writes:

> ieee754 defines the largest negative single precision floating point value
> to be -1.70141173e+38 and the largest negative double precision floating
> point value to be -1.7976931348623157e+308.  In addition, some systems
> define the largest negative quadruple precision floating point value to be
> -1.18973149535723176502e+4932.  Python gives access to the second of these
> types in all cases, I believe, unless built with special flags.

Not quite.  It gives the second one on all systems with IEEE fp
hardware, but that's not all machines it compiles for.  

Christopher A. Craig <list-python at>
"[Linux is] powerful and easy to use." -- Microsoft Corporation

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