The 3D picture of Python

Brandon Van Every vanevery at
Sat Feb 8 18:33:32 EST 2003

Brian Quinlan wrote:
>> I'm not interested in
>> guessing about the program flow control.  I should be able to
>> hierarchically expand or collapse the current call context.
> I don't know what this means.

Let's say for instance I put the (Python equivalent?) of a "throw" statement
in my Python code.  When I run it in debug mode in my VS environment, and
that code throws an exception, the debugger should give me a complete
hierarchical chain of the calling context.  Including the containing C++

If it doesn't, if I have to guess what was called and what all the C++ stack
and object variables currently are, that's stupid.

Things like this are what I mean by "integration."  I shouldn't have to care
that Python is a different programming language.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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