[Q] A better way to print?

Eric Gorr eRrEiMcOgVoErMrE at cox.net
Sat Feb 22 23:58:23 EST 2003

Alex Martelli <aleax at aleax.it> wrote:

> print '-'.join( [str(witem) for witem in W] )
> would seem to be one of the best solutions.  A variant:
> print '-'.join( map(str, W) )

Both of those work great.

Thank you.

== Eric Gorr ========= http://www.ericgorr.net ========= ICQ:9293199 ===
"Therefore the considerations of the intelligent always include both 
benefit and harm." - Sun Tzu
== Insults, like violence, are the last refuge of the incompetent... ===

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