For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Evan evan at
Sun Feb 9 11:07:12 EST 2003

Erik Max Francis wrote:
>>t = {if "spam" not in s: "customer", "eggs" in s: "vikings",
> The use of curly braces screams "dictionary" when there is not a
> dictionary in sight, and the use of the comma looks like tuples are
> involved when they are not.

I could care less about the curly braces and commas.  The central idea 
is an n-ary choice, presented in logical order, surrounded by grouping 
delimiters that the parser can easily recognize, with no new keyword. 
Any of these would do:

t = (if "spam" not in s: "customer", "eggs" in s: "vikings", "waitress")
t = (if "spam" not in s: "customer"
      elif "eggs" in s: "vikings"
      else: "waitress")
t = if:("spam" not in s,  "customer",
         "eggs" in s, "vikings",


Evan @ 4-am

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