Python at my ISP
Erik Max Francis
max at
Mon Feb 3 19:36:02 EST 2003
Dave wrote:
> Is there anything else I can try before I contact their support?
Other people have pointed out the other possible problems that you might
be having (Python interpreter path wrong, .py vs. .cgi, script not
executable by httpd, PATH differences between your environment and the
CGI, script not in location restricted by server, etc.).
One thing that hasn't been pointed out is that your script is broken; it
should read
print "Content-type: text/html\n"
(Note the two newlines embedded in the string was unnecessary; an
unadorned print statement implicitly includes a newline after it.) That
colon is important, and not having it would get you an error since it's
an illegal HTTP header.
What's crucial in diagnosing problems is knowing exactly what error the
Web server is giving you. "So far unsuccessful" is almost totally
unhelpful in diagnosing problems; as you've seen, a CGI script (Python
or not) can not work for any number of reasons, and we can't possible
know what the reasons are without more information to go on.
Finally, why are you reluctant to contact their support? You're paying
them your good money (I presume), so why not make them earn the money
you're paying them by getting _them_ to help you get it working?
Erik Max Francis / max at /
__ San Jose, CA, USA / 37 20 N 121 53 W / &tSftDotIotE
/ \ In wildness is the preservation of the world.
\__/ Henry David Thoreau
Alcyone Systems /
Alcyone Systems, San Jose, California.
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