3D graphics programmers using Python?

Nick Vargish nav at adams.patriot.net
Thu Feb 6 09:02:28 EST 2003

"Brandon Van Every" <vanevery at 3DProgrammer.com> writes:

> I do it when I'm totally worn out and need the break.  Since I do almost
> nothing but code all day lately, that happens with some frequency.

In my opinion, learning Python would be a refreshing and invigorating
break from coding in C++. Of course, learning Python might make it
hard to get back to the C++... 

BTW, what gains do you get from C++? If performance is so crucial,
wouldn't you use pure C?


# sigmask.py  ||  version 0.2  ||  2003-01-07  ||  Feed this to your Python.
print reduce(lambda x,y:x+chr(ord(y)-1),'Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAqbusjpu/ofu?','')

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