File processing

Peter Hansen peter at
Mon Feb 17 12:09:46 EST 2003

fishers wrote:
> > Yes, it can manipulate the files directly, using open() with read and
> > write/append modes, or it could execute shell utilities via os.system.
> >
> > It does not support a simple "append these two files" command, so far
> > as I know.  No need for one, either...
> because of os.system ? (i'm new to Python)

I'm not sure what you mean... are you completely my sentence that began
"no need for one, either..." ?

If you are, I assume you didn't understand my first paragraph, where I 
was attempting to show that there are in fact at least *two* ways to
do what you describe, and rather simple ones at that, so depending on
your specific needs you can pick one or the other, and that therefore
Python really doesn't *need* a built-in technique for doing this 
relatively rare operation.

So I would say, "Yes, because of os.system, and because of the other
approach I mentioned."  

But I might be missing your point, or your problem, or something...

Generally, explaining some background on what you are trying to 
accomplish is going to get you more useful responses around here 
than very short questions without context.  What are you hoping
to do that leads you to think you need to be appending files 
together?  Is it a little sys admin script?  A big program?  
Something else?  Background and context help a lot...


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