PEP308: Yet another syntax proposal

David Eppstein eppstein at
Mon Feb 10 18:39:44 EST 2003

On 2/10/03 11:28 PM +0100 holger krekel <pyth at> wrote:
>> It's a flag value to distinguish a "select all" menu item from the menu
>> items referring to individual columns.
> i see.
> When i had situations like this I rewrote it to get the special "select
> all"  value not interfere with usual list/tuple-index semantics.  E.g.
> using a  dummy-class for "select_all" rather than reusing an otherwise
> valid key index.
>> > This reinforces an earlier thought about PEP-308 alternatives,
>> > which might read as follows:
>> >
>> >     cols[i] except IndexError: None
>> Again, not good, i==-1 doesn't cause the IndexError unless cols is empty.
> right. with my above "class select_all: pass" this would work nicely,
> though.

Cocoa NSPopUpButton's indexOfSelectedItem method doesn't return non-numeric 

> Sure.  But I'd rather have my co-coders think about easier ways rather
> having to understand ternary operations often.  Had i seen your above
> code
>     cols[i] if i >= 0 else None
> just on its own i would be puzzled (which i was).  May i ask
> you to show the complete function where this came from?

Not that I make any claim of having polished this to jewel-like perfection, 
but here it is.  It's part of the controller for the Find dialog in a 
table-editing application.  The input data structures are:
self.doc.columns() -- a list of strings used as dict keys
self.doc.rows() -- a list of dicts keyed by the columns
contains, beginsWith, endsWith, exactMatch -- localized string compare 
self.table -- the controller for the table display
self.column, self.match, self.text -- components of the Find dialog
Note that self.match and self.columns are both pop-up buttons, but accessed 
differently because one is static and the other has to be updated when the 
self.doc.columns() changes.

    def search(self, row, increment):
        def matches(row):
            if col is not None:
                return match(row.get(col, ''), target)
            for c in cols:
                if match(row.get(c, ''), target):
                    return 1
            return 0

        cols = self.doc.columns()
        col = self.column.indexOfSelectedItem() - 1
        if col < 0:
            col = None
            col = cols[col]

        match = self.match.selectedItem().tag()
        match = (contains, beginsWith, endsWith, exactMatch)[match]
        target = self.text.stringValue()
        rows = self.doc.rows()
        while 1:
            row += increment
            if row < 0 or row >= len(rows):
                return 0
            if matches(rows[row]):
                return 1

Looking at it again, it is possible to simplify this, in a way that gets 
rid of the implicit ternary, allowing the subroutine to be more easily 
folded into the main routine:

    def search(self, row, increment):
        cols = self.doc.columns()
        col = self.column.indexOfSelectedItem() - 1
        if col >= 0:
            cols = [cols[col]]
        match = self.match.selectedItem().tag()
        match = (contains, beginsWith, endsWith, exactMatch)[match]
        target = self.text.stringValue()
        rows = self.doc.rows()
        while 1:
            row += increment
            if row < 0 or row >= len(rows):
                return 0
            for c in cols:
                if match(rows[row].get(c, ''), target):
                    return 1

But, clearly, the existence or nonexistence of a ternary operator had 
nothing to do with my ability to find this simplification -- I already had 
working code for this problem, so had little motivation to work harder on 
simplifying it until you asked me to post it.

David Eppstein       UC Irvine Dept. of Information & Computer Science
eppstein at

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