Python vs. C++ Builder - speed of development

John Ochiltree johnochiltree at
Mon Feb 3 16:57:23 EST 2003

Andy Freeman wrote:

> Van Every seems to think that C++ templates are a heavy duty tool. 
> They're not.

Thanks Andy. How for instance would BVE deal with a return type that could 
not be foreseen. A bloody great case statement is my guess. Templates are 
great but I still think Python is easier and faster to achieve the same, if 
not better, functionality.

I think BVE should remember that sw development is a social activity 
(strange that a social anthropologist doesn't seem to recognise this). 
Programming on your own addles the brain such that 
20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.


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