Recomendations on Python databases

Ganesan R rganesan at
Tue Feb 25 23:12:59 EST 2003

>>>>> "Bob" == Bob Ballard <rballard_99 at> writes:

> I'm planning on writing a record keeping and reporting app with a database.
> I don't want to have to depend on the user having Access and the DB will
> not, at least at this point, be on the web.  I'd like the app to be
> stand-alone.

Looks like you need PySQLite. See

> So, what database would one suggest?  Open source (free) preferred.
> If I do move it to the web or Linux in the future then suggestions as to
> what I should take into account now make that as painless as possible would
> be appreciated.

PySQLite works on Linux/Windows/FreeBSD etc. So you may never want to switch
:-). If you do, just stick to the Python DB API 2.0 and porting should be


Ganesan R

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