float / double support in Python?

Brandon Van Every vanevery at 3DProgrammer.com
Fri Feb 7 17:01:27 EST 2003

Terry Reedy wrote:
> Since I write carefully and fairly tersely, I would prefer that
> responders read completely and carefully.

Introducing a new comment / concern is not "failing to read you completely
and carefully."

>>  If you want to say I'm abusing the language authors, fine.
> Not fine to me.  A year and a half ago, when some people were dumping
> on Guido for changing integer division, a complete newcomer popped in
> and suggested that he be assasinated.  Since then, I have been less
> tolerant of gratuitous insults..

Not supporting a basic machine type in the year 2003 is brain dead.  It is
excusable in new languages with limited problem domains.  Python has grown
well beyond that point.  3D graphics programmers are going to knock Python
for this until it's fixed.  That's the facts of life.  If you don't care
about my problem domain, fine.  Don't expect me to care about "abusing" the
Python authors then.

> I have intentionally stayed out of the quasi-flamefests you have
> started or participated in.  I mistakenly thought that in this new
> thread, you were asking for information, so I tried to provide it.

You succeeded.  The reality of the answer irritates me greatly.  If you've
got a problem with that, too bad!

> Now that I know it was a disguised criticism, I am sort of sorry I
> did.  I won't make this mistake again.

You are foolish thinking the world revolves around your perception of the
situation.  I didn't have advanced knowledge of float vs. double issues in
Python.  I *will* make a criticism upon discovering the truth.

> I notice that you have spent more time criticizing Python than you
> might have needed to give it a try and decide if it would benefit you
> or not.

You are wrong.  Generally, I post when I'm exhausted from other coding
tasks.  I don't have the hours in the day right now to deal with Python /
C++ / Visual Studio 6.0 cans 'o' worms.  So I'm bugging people here to get
information, when my mind doesn't work anymore.  My inquiries have revealed
that indeed, there are worms.  Finding out about them in advance, and
estimating the amount of time they consume, all on someone else's
brainpower, is called efficiency / planning.

Cheers,                         www.3DProgrammer.com
Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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